In a matter of weeks I will be in New York alongside my fellow AKF Run Team members, running in the TCS New York City Marathon. This is a dream come true.

I started running when I was a teenager as a way to keep my weight down. When I was 21, the owner of the gym where I belonged told me I should run the local 5K race that was coming up. I didn’t know anything about pace or PRs or what a bib was. (PR means “personal record,” your best time in a race of that distance.) I went to that 5K and took second place in my age group. It was satisfying!

I didn’t run another race until I was 38. Yet I kept running, on and off – sometimes on a treadmill, sometimes on the road. I loved running outside and would often run with my sister. She signed up to run a half marathon and started teaching me about pace and training runs. I decided to run another 5K race, and then a 10K. Then I went for a half marathon! I became obsessed about pace and PRs. After running my second half marathon I signed up for my first full marathon with the hope of qualifying for the Boston marathon. I trained really hard … and I qualified! I couldn’t believe it.

So I registered for the Boston marathon, trained, and finally got there! At an expo before the Boston race I met some of the staff from the Aga Khan Foundation. I have always been interested in helping kids and when I talked with Jennifer Graham and read about all the great things the Foundation does for children, I decided it was meant to be. I told my sister all about it. Together we decided to apply and run the TCS New York marathon for the Aga Khan Foundation.

After Boston, I had some problems with my ankles so I rested for a few months and opted for a 12-week training program for New York. I recently started training in mid-August and it’s been going great! I started with two easy runs that felt amazing and one interval run that was really hard because it was on a very hot and humid day. Then on August 15 at the Jersey Shore I ran an “Insane Inflatable 5K,” an obstacle race made up of inflatable obstacles, with my whole family!

Stronger Together

I’m proud to be running in the upcoming marathon and raising funds for an organization that has such a long-term commitment to improving people’s lives and helping children get a good start in life.

With my teammates, I know that running this race will help communities in Asia and Africa take control of their lives and build better futures together.

We still have a long way to go but I’m encouraged. Please visit my Crowdrise page, donate, and help us make the New York Marathon make a difference!

By Meegan Napholz, AKF Run Team member