When an enterprising farmer in Shugnon, in the Gorno-Badakhshan (GBAO) region of Tajikistan, was ready to expand her home-based dairy, AKF and USAID’s Local Impact was there with a strategic investment to help her scale up her business. 

A woman stands in a field with a cow and a dairy machine.

Qurbonsilton and her husband Sangin Mubashirov specialized in fur coats and outerwear in her small Pashor village of Shugnan district, and, like many other people, they lost their jobs due to economic hardships, forcing them to go for a labor migration to Russia where they they spent 14 years. Qurbonsilton and her family then returned home to start everything from scratch. As there was no demand for her previous products, she remained undeterred, and continued to search for other opportunities to make an income.

Transition to Dairy and Poultry Farming

Upon their return, Qurbonsilton and her husband were given two milk cows by their relatives, which provided them with essential dairy products.

A woman in protective sterilization clothing hands dairy products from a refrigerator to a customer.

“With two milk cows I had enough dairy products to feed my family, so I started to sell the surplus to neighbors, and soon the demand grew, and neighboring villages were coming for milk. This is when I thought of expanding to other dairy products”


In 2019, Qurbonsulton and her family turned to dairy farming, leveraging their previous experience in the field of entrepreneurship. They began producing butter and sour cream and ventured into poultry farming, raising chickens, geese, turkeys, and ducks. Their efforts paid off as they successfully sold both meat and eggs, establishing a steady source of income.

“As our home is located near the Khorog-Dushanbe Highway, travelers stop by to purchase our dairy products. This also helped me quickly expand my customer base and establish a reputation for quality produce.” 


Supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship

As the demand for her dairy products was growing, Qurbonsilton planned to expand her small business. However, she faced significant challenges as her dairy production facility lacked the necessary equipment to produce high-quality products in a larger quantity. Recognizing the need for improvement, Qurbonsilton was looking for opportunities.

In 2023, she was introduced to the Local Impact project, financed by the United States Agency for International Development and the Aga Khan Foundation. One of the focuses of the project is to catalyze inclusive economic growth and ensure basic livelihoods. Within this framework, the project identifies and selects communities with high potential for agricultural production, livestock products and market access and supports them in increasing production through access to quality inputs.

The project supported Qurbonsilton with the provision of essential equipment for quality dairy produce.

“Thanks to the invaluable support and provision of essential equipment, I am now well-equipped to scale up our dairy production, meet growing customer demands, and deliver high-quality products efficiently,”


A woman in protective sterilization clothing pours milk into a pot to sterilize it.

Now Qurbonsilton has a regular clientele from neighboring villages and Khorog City and her business is flourishing, bringing her family a steady income. Currently, her farm includes 13 cows, of which six are milking cows. While her family members are the primary workers, plans are in place to hire both permanent and seasonal workers as the farm expands.

Recognizing her successful business endeavor, the government has acknowledged her contributions and provided support by allocating a piece of land for the construction of a livestock shed. This initiative not only facilitates the expansion of her livestock operations but also promises to create job opportunities for many people and enable her to serve a broader customer base.

Two women in protective sterilization clothing process milk products.

“The support has not only elevated my business but has also enhanced my personal and family well-being, fostering a sense of fulfillment and optimism for the future growth in my hometown.” 


Local Impact

Local Impact is a multi-year, multi-sector, and multi-country global partnership between AKF and USAID. Through Local Impact, AKF and USAID work with marginalized and vulnerable communities to: (1) catalyze inclusive economic growth and ensure basic livelihoods; (2) enhance infrastructure and access to basic services with a focus on clean energy; (3) enhance the capacity of citizens and local institutions; and (4) promote pluralism and social cohesion.

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