Today, March 8, 2012, Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. (AKF USA) is celebrating International Women’s Day by highlighting the critically important contribution women play in our development work around the world.

As UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon notes on the occasion, “Rural women and girls — to whom this year’s International Women’s Day is devoted — make up one quarter of the global population, yet routinely figure at the bottom of every economic, social and political indicator, from income and education to health to participation in decision-making.”

The UN theme for International Women’s Day is Empower Rural Women — End Hunger and Poverty.

In rural Pakistan, women lead extremely secluded lives with very little outside support. Naheed Sadurudin struggled to make a good life for her four children, but without proper medical treatment her daughter Unzila died at age 8. After mourning, Naheed firmly decided to honor her daughter’s memory by creating the Unzila Welfare Organization to help other girls and women get better health care and life skills. She faced resistance, and at first could barely introduce herself to strangers, much less get support for her organization.

Naheed journeyed six hours to Karachi and received leadership training from AKF. Now her grassroots organization provides women in over 500 households across rural Sindh with health and vocational support. The training made her more professional and confident, she says. “Through Unzila Welfare Organization’s work, I hope women will be more aware of their rights and able to raise their voices.”

With your help, AKF USA supports women and girls in Africa and Asia end their hunger and poverty. AKF USA sees every day the power of women. Women are leaders in their families and communities, giving babies the necessary care to become healthy adults, making sure children eat nutritiously and saving money to pay for their children and their own education.

Take a moment today to thank the women in your life for the important role they play in improving our families and communities. Learn more about how you can show your continued support to women in Africa and Asia by reading stories of the women AKF USA works with by learning more about our work.