an icon of a globe with the heart-shaped Giving Tuesday logo

We are so thankful for and proud of our generous supporters who make the Aga Khan Foundation and Aga Khan Development Network’s work possible.

This year we are highlighting stories of giving back. We will tell the story of a teacher and entrepreneur sharing the opportunity of a high-quality education with under-served children, and supporters will share why they give and hope to inspire others by matching your gifts today.

Each donation on Giving Tuesday will be matched dollar for dollar up to $400,000 to help us reach our total goal of $800,000!

Our matching supporters want to partner with you to build better futures.

The Aga Khan Foundation is dedicated to making long-term improvements in the lives of those we serve. We can only do this when those we reach in turn reach out to others.

Nisso, an educator and entrepreneur in Tajikistan, is an inspiring example.

Born and raised in Khorog, she wanted to experience the remote district of Ishkashim where her parents grew up. She worked as a teacher and was dismayed by the quality of education available in the villages.

She returned to Khorog and spent three years volunteering with the early childhood development pilot project at the Aga Khan Lycée. That experience sparked many ideas, and Nisso realized that she could help meet the educational needs she had seen.

In 2015, Nisso opened Donoyak, her own education center in Khorog for children from six to 12 years old. Her curriculum employed best practices she learned in her time with the Lycée.

Her success only encouraged her to do more.

She wanted to bring this high-quality education to the villages where she began teaching. But she needed more business training and funding to continue her mission. Through Thrive Tajikistan, a program supported by Aga Khan Foundation USA and USAID, she had the opportunity to get both.

She opened an education center in Ishkashim in 2020. The center now has around 70 students and employs two teachers in addition to Nisso.

A young girl wearing a mask stands by an abacus. A teacher stands behind her providing instructions.

“Once I opened “Donoyak”, I saw how much people needed it and how important it was for them. I now see hope in the eyes of people in the region for the bright future of their kids. Their children, more or less, now have equal opportunities with the city children.”


For Nisso, this is more than just a business. She wants to make a difference in the lives of children of Badakhshan, helping them to develop their minds and see new things. They can reach for new opportunities that will allow them to also give back. This is how we can improve the quality of life for generations in Ishkashim and beyond.


Our supporters in the US make these opportunities real. Your gifts help fund Thrive, and many other programs and institutions across the world. We are proud to have your support. Thank you.

Reach out and make a difference that can last generations.

With gratitude to our #GivingTuesday match partners

Alijah Saheba Dr. Salimah Punjanistands at the edge of a body of water smiling and showing off a colorful dress and scarf.

Alijah Saheba Dr. Salimah Punjani

“You taught us by example that the very act of giving back to the community boosts your happiness, health, and sense of well-being.”

–Anwar and Karima Punjani, in memory of Alijah Saheba Dr. Salimah Punjani

Khadiza Moosa smiles wearing a yellow sari.

Khadiza Moosa

“In loving memory of our mom Khadiza Moosa”

–Anwar and Karima Punjani

Zara and Malik M. pose in formal attire.

Malik & Zara M.

“It is our purpose to help as many as we can so that we may return the blessings which have been bestowed upon us.

We do not give because we are blessed, we are blessed because we give.”

“My passion is to help people in need, and to give back some of the blessings I have received.”

Bernie Fredregill

Shenaz P. Nagji

Shenaz P. Nagji

“I am abundantly blessed and fortunate to provide that spark through His Highness’ own AKF in which my entire donation goes towards the cause. I would like others to be inspired and also step forward and contribute towards this noble endeavor.”